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Become a PARTNER
"We WAnt to partner with you"

Partners are the lifeblood of KBT. We are a Kehillah because of the invaluable commitment and dedication of our members. Partner with us in our mission to help the LA community enhance its connection to Torah and mitzvot. Support the Kehilla by enabling it to rely on a flow of funds

Partnership Options

Partner now to receive your seats to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur at KBT in addition to many amazing benefits listed below!!

  • Full Partnership Benefits listed below

  • Monthly Partners must commit to their membership for 12 months in order to receive their free holiday seats

  • Family and Newlyweds will receive 2 holiday seats

  • Single Partners will receive 1 holiday seat

  • Partners will be contacted from the KBT Office for High Holiday seating


Fill out the Partnership Form so we can get to know you better


KBT Partner

By becoming a KBT Partner you are partnering with us in everything we do. Your partnership gives us the confidence to pursue all of the transformative initiatives that we have planned.


Gain priority access to all KBT events including our in-house Shabbaton's, our annual Running Springs Shabbaton and more at a discounted rate

Exclusive Classes

Your support makes you part of the special circle of individuals who are invited to our members only classes and events.

High Holiday Seats

We have a limited number of high holiday seats. Our partners receive priority seating and additional seats at $100 rather than $360 for non-partners




Celebrating a simcha? Get priority access to rent out KBT's beautiful, light-filled hall and for a discounted rate of 20% off!

Partner Basket

The cherry on top - our annual partnership basket is a small gesture to show how much we value your support. 



Menachem Kashanian

"All aspects of my spiritual growth have been enhanced through the daily Amud Yomi program and Halacha Yomi class. The energy on Shabbat is palpable, everyone that steps into the shuel has a smile and tremendous middot."
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